Job Title: Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer/ Reader in Smart Sustainable Infrastructure
Location: University of Glasgow
Duration: full-time open ended
Pay/Volunteer: University’s Research and Teaching Grade, level 7 / 8 / 9, £35,845 - £40,322 / £44,045 - £51,034 / £52,560 - £59,135 per annum.
Deadline: 25-Apr-2021
Description: Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure. The successful candidate will have a track record in construction automation, high performance construction materials, advanced manufacturing of structures, lifecycle structural health monitoring, or data driven approaches for structural optimization. We are particularly interested in research that cuts across traditional discipline boundaries. Thus, for example, the interface between data science and sustainable infrastructure, sensing and data analysis to support infrastructure modelling, and computational modelling of sustainable construction materials are some of the exciting frontiers we are keen to support.
More information link: (Vacancy Ref : 051147) Search Appointments