Thriving in Green Careers: Sustainability, Environmental Science and Engine

Event: Thriving in Green Careers: Sustainability, Environmental Science and Engine
Date/Time: 2021-05-12T22:00:00Z2021-05-13T00:00:00Z

**Location:**Society of Women Engineers Toronto - Online
Description: Are you interested in sustainability, renewable energy, environmental science and engineering, and public health disciplines? Would you like to know the contemporary and future projects in this area? Do you wonder about the connection between water and wastewater treatment, air pollution control and soil remediation? Are you looking for a role model/mentor in the field of environmental engineering? Would you like to know how environmental engineering is moving forward?.. and what are future opportunities and challenges in this field?

We invite you to join our panel discussion on May 12th, 2021 with inspiring and accomplished professionals. They will share their insights on career navigation, current and future projects, challenges and opportunities, and mentorship in the green technology sector.

About the panellists:

Joanna Osawe |CEO at Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE) & Business Development Manager, End Users & EPCs at ABB.
Cara Clairman | President and CEO at Plug’n Drive.
Bahar Aminvaziri | Senior Manager, Environmental Policy Division at Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
Sharon Chen | Designer (EIT) at WSP Canada.

6:00 - 6:05 Opening remarks and land acknowledgement
6:05 - 6:10 Panellists’ introductions
6:10 - 7:15 Panel Discussion
7:15 - 7:45 Audience Q&A session
7:45 - 8:00 Closing remarks
